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Multi-talented Government Employee turned out to be a Sketch Artist, Writer, Photographer


Emerging Self-taught Sketch Artist, Writer, Photographer: Kishtwar‘s Multitalented Subash Shan

Recognized with best employee of district Award; Won many accolades/ awards for his outstanding contribution

Subash Shan
Subash Shan

“My life is a small canvas but my dreams are big” -Shan

A 26 years old guy “A self-taught Sketch artist, Writer, Photographer and employee of District Information Centre Kishtwar” named as Subash Shan S/O Sh. Dewan Chand Shan hailing from village Chingam a remote area of Block Inderwal in district Kishtwar, he can make impressive portraits from Pencil and Pencil sketching/ shading is Shan’s forte besides he is imbibed with artistic qualities like Photography and writing.


His family is also not financially sound but that has not deterred Shaan from carving out his own identity and niche among the galaxy of artists.

Shan is presently working in District Information Centre Kishtwar for the last more than three years, he is not only well in sketching but also good in photography, writing, making of official press releases and notes and much hyped and dedicated employee of Information department. He has been recognized with best employee of the District Award in 2019 on the eve of Republic Day besides many awards/Appreciation letters and accolades from local district administration and various quarters in a short span of time for his unblemished and outstanding work and everyone is complimenting for his dedication towards the assigned work given to him above his post.


Shan said “one should not fret about loosing life’s big prizes but one should enjoy its tiny delights like painting, sketching, singing, writing, dancing etc. God has gifted everyone with some talent and inner qualities. We as humans today mostly see life from the materialist view point instead of spiritual and humanitarian angle. Peace of mind has been the best and most precious asset for him for which everyone should strive.”

Shan stated that during his school days he started painting and has no formal training in painting, but he loves painting and firstly he painted his school walls with beautiful portraits of Goddesses and school teachers complimented him and later he also participated in various events at District level.

But due to some family and personal reasons he left all that in between his schooling as his father’s shop situated in his village was looted by militants during peak militancy period. This left his family in deep distress and their family suffered a huge financial loss. In view of security threat perception their family was left with no other option than to migrate to Kishtwar in a rented accommodation. This was a serious jolt to his family and as such he had to face severe financial constraints for undergoing higher studies, but his family always push him alot to do something big in life.

Shan further stated that during the lockdown in last year he had enough time to do something new and he decided to start the sketching which he left during school days.

During lockdown, he didn’t afford expensive sketching material and started with whatever is available and yet the end result is remarkable.

Besides he has also pen down articles in English and few poems in Kishtwar language

Sketch of Narendra Modi Ji and his mother
Sketch of Narendra Modi Ji

and Hindi and also continuing the same.

He added that “My life is a small canvas but my dreams are big” and I want to become an IAS Officer and it’s his ultimate dream, but sidewise I will continue this skecthing, photography and writing too in free time as his past time hobbies besides lots of friends requested him to make their personal sketches and added that it’s the natural gift of splendid talent and wanted to continue the same in future too.

Further stated that there is no dearth of talent among youth of Chenab Valley but there is lack of carrer counselling and right platform.


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