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DDC Kishtwar inspects the Executing Works of LAD plan under R&R plan of Pakal-Dul HEP at Kwar-Tanji


DDC Kishtwar inspects the Executing Works of LAD plan under R&R plan of Pakal-Dul HEP at Kwar-Tanji

_Stressed to expedite the demarcation of identified land and construction of Community Hall_

Kishtwar 5th Aug.

District Development Commissioner (DDC) Kishtwar Ashok Sharma today inspected the ongoing Developmental Works being executed under Local Area Development (LAD) Plan of Rehabilitation & Resettlement (RR) plan of Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Power Project here at Kwar-Tanji area.

He was accompanied by Additional District Development Commissioner (ADDC) Sham Lal,GGM CVPP Ramesh Mukhia, Naib Tehsildar Dool Anwar Hafiez Choudhary,field functionary of Revenue and PWD department.

DDC Kishtwar inspected the site to be identified for the construction Of Community Hall coming up with an estimated cost of Rs. 80 lacs under Local Area Development Plan of the Dul Hasti HEP.

He directed the revenue officials to complete the demarcation
process so that contracting agencies will take up execution work of the project before 15 th August 2022.

During his visit,DDC Kishtwar also took first hand stock of ongoing execution works of the dedicated Veterinary Centre of Animal Husbandry Department and Dipping Vats of sheep Husbandry at Kwar Tanji taken up under R&R Plan of Pakal Dul HEPP.

He was apprised that work on the veterinary centre has been completed upto roof stage so far and rest of work will be completed within months of time.

He directed the executing agencies to complete the left out work in time bound manner and also to start the work on dipping tank of Sheep Husbandry immediately with due adherence to the quality of these works.

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